Freezing and Alone in the White Mountains
For the last 2 days, from the moment I got back to my car, I haven't been able to stop thinking about this run. I've been thinking a

Hills to Sea trail FKT
I first learned about the Hills to Sea trail a few weeks ago through the awesome local trail running group I've become involved with...

How to Train for an Ultra (guest post for ORM)
This post originally appears on Obstacle Racing Media website. So you’ve done some OCR’s or some road racing and now you’re ready to step...

Getting Back Together With Running
Running sucks. Some days more than others, but in general, when you think about it. Running sucks. We put our bodies through hell, lose...

Why am I running the Vol-State 500k?
This is something I've asked myself many times in the past few months before and after registering for the race and something I've been...

ART - Does it work for runners?
I awkwardly walked past the front desk of the mega-gym as I hesitantly pointed to the physical therapy office in the corner of the...

Pemi Loop PR!
John Muir once wrote: “Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees....
#RunStreak over!
(Post republished from previous blog www.ironzoom.com) 19 days! In the last 19 days I’ve done 24 runs which covered 169 total miles; the...
The "worst" post
(Post republished from previous blog www.ironzoom.com) I’ve been meaning to sit and write about one of the worst runs I can remember ever...
The Early Morning Long Run
(Post republished from previous blog www.ironzoom.com) I personally find that it is best for my personal life and training schedule to do...